Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dead tired....

As my "partner in crime" is away for the past few days, I've been trying to manage the facility alone. Not really alone, I do have a sidekick. But I have to do most of the heavy duty jobs. It's dead tiring...every single bone in my body creaks when I move and there's not a muscle that does not ache. The psychological stress of having to deal with so many, many problems..trying to find solutions, saving lives is really stretching me to the limits. I do feel sorry for those men, and women... they are fighting so hard to hold on but sometimes I really wish they won't come to me. It's a selfish thought I admit but really, sometimes I wish I could just say to them it's your problem not mine. All I want is some peace and quiet...ah, to be idle and not to have a thing in the world to worry about. If only.....

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